Alumni Weekend 2025, April 26

Reunite with friends, faculty and other parents of alumni.

Please select from the events below.

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Event Selection
Marksmen and their families are invited to enjoy lunch and a variety of family-friendly activities on The Perot Quadrangle with bounce houses and music provided by Korey Mack ’00.

Zierk Athletic Center Tours
Led by Lion & Sword students

Planetarium Shows in the Winn Science Center
Experience the capabilities and programs available in the planetarium with Leonard N. "Doc" Nelson Alumni Master Teaching Chair Michael Lane. Shows begin every 30 minutes starting at noon. Children first grade and older, please.

Interactive Makerspace Demonstrations in the Winn Science Center
Explore the possibilities available to Marksmen in the Addy Family Makerspace and Mosle Family Engineering Shop. Makerspace Director Stewart Mayer will lead interactive demonstrations of the makerspace industry-grade tools, from laser cutters to 3D printers. Learn more about how Marksmen are combining computer science, physics, math, and even art to turn their dreams into reality.

Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 11:00 AM
At the home of Kathy Mallick
6139 Mimosa Lane
Dallas, Texas 75230

Cost: Complimentary ~ Adults only
Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 7:00 PM


For more information, please contact Raeann Robertson
in the Office of Development & Alumni Relations
214.346.8800 or e-mail